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  • camper van in a canyon

    EASR’s Summer Car Care Guide

    If you’ve been keeping up with our blog for a few months now, you may have noticed we like to keep all our customers informed about every piece of seasonal automobile information that crops up as the year goes on – over the Christmas season we gave you our Winter Car Care Guide, and now…

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  • vintage electric vehicle

    The Best Guide to EV History!

      As you probably already know, the auto industry has a very dense and rich past. If we think back to what many consider to be the first mass-produced automobile, the Ford Model T, in 1908 and compare it with the race of innovation and technological advancement, what we get is a history that matches…

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  • engine of car

    Ever Fallen for These Car Myths?

    When we own our vehicles, we all like to think from time to time we’re the experts of them. In fact, in certain cases you probably are – as people, cars have little quirks, foibles and workarounds that, if you’ve spent any time with them, you learn to understand and in many ways, help make…

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