EASR’s Best UK Road Trips
We’re at that point of the year now – the longest day has been and gone, spring has sprung and now all we’ve got is time to enjoy the perfect warm and sunny weather, and what a summer it’s turning out to be. If you were with us a few months ago, we used the…
EASR’s Summer Car Care Guide
If you’ve been keeping up with our blog for a few months now, you may have noticed we like to keep all our customers informed about every piece of seasonal vehicle information that crops up as the year goes on – over the Christmas season we gave you our Winter Car Care Guide, and now…
The Best Guide to EV History!
As you probably already know, the auto industry has a very dense and rich past. If we think back to what many consider to be the first mass-produced automobile, the Ford Model T, in 1908 and compare it with the race of innovation and technological advancement, what we get is a history that matches…